Pozvánka pre odbornú verejnosť na medzinárodnú konferenciu v Opatiji, Chorvátsko

2658   -   0
Letenky, Pelikan, Slovensko
Pobyty, Slovensko, Dovolenka
Medzinárodná konferencia v Opatiji


Distinguished Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to participate in the Management International Conference (MIC 2019) to be held in Opatija, Croatia, 29 May – 1 June 2019.
The conference title is Managing Geostrategic Issues, which will be discussed in different subject areas: management, economics, finance, trade, tourism, energy and climate, digitalisation and the workplace, international institutions and development.

Submission and Registration
The paper submission process is organized in two steps:
1. Abstract submission before the conference starts.
2. Full Paper submission after the conference.

In order to register and submit your extended abstract click here.

Publication Possibilities
Abstracts will be published in the MIC 2019 Book of Abstracts, ready for the conference.

Authors, who submit their abstracts and participate at the conference, are invited to submit full papers either to the MIC 2019 Conference Proceedings, published after the conference, or to the MIC 2019 supporting journals (more information here).

Important Dates
Abstract submission: 28 February 2019
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2019
Registration and Payment Deadline: 31 March 2019 (early bird); 15 April 2019 (late registration)
Conference: 29 May – 1 June 2019
Full Paper submission to MIC Supporting Journals: 30 June 2019
Full Paper submission to Conference Proceedings: 30 September 2019

Conference Fee
Information about the conference fee is available here.
Conference Location
Information about the conference venue and how to reach Opatija is available here.

E-mail: mic@fm-kp.si
Website: www.mic.fm-kp.si