Pozvánka pre odbornú verejnosť na medzinárodnú konferenciu v Brne, Česká republika

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Letenky, Pelikan, Slovensko
Pobyty, Slovensko, Dovolenka
Medzinárodná konferenciu v Brne


17th International Scientific Conference at Brno University of Technology,
Faculty of Business and Management 2019
30. 4. 2019

Conference Theme:
Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation of Corporate Business“
Economic, Management, Finance and System Engineering from the Academic and Practitioners Views

Dear Madam/Sir,

we are pleased to invite you to the 17th International Conference  “ Economic, Management, Finance and System Engineering from the Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development Academic and Practitioners Views“ hosted by the Faculty of Business and Management. This conference is associated with two projects: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project „CHEDTEB: Collaboration in Higher Education for Digital Transformation in European Business“ and TACR ETA project TL02000215 „DIGITALTRANSMSP: Digital transformation for Business Model Innovations in SMEs in the Czech Republic”.

About the Conference:
The main theme of the conference is “Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation of Corporate Business”. This conference will feature competitive papers, plenary session and panel sessions. Submissions will be subjected to a blind review process and selected papers will be published in the refereed Conference proceedings „Selected papers: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation of Corporate Business: Economic, Management, Finance and System Engineering from the Academic and Practitioners Views“ which will be applied for covering by the following abstracting/indexing services:  Web of Science. Authors of the best papers will have opportunity to submit their extended papers to the journals of conference partners.

Conference Goal:
The aim of this year’s conference is to provide an expert platform for sharing ideas and discussing opinions between the academics and practitioners in the sphere of new trends and perspectives of business development and entrepreneurship influenced by the digital era, especially from the perspective of digital transformation of corporate business.
At the same time, the conference organisers wish to extend the discussion platform and open it for students of Master’s programmes of partner universities.
This will be achieved through multi-disciplinary panels and discussions of current problems and conditions of business and entrepreneurships in the Europe and the World.
Major highlights of the conference would be creating of the platform for network and communication with distinguished entrepreneurs, managers and traders.

Conference Language: English. 

We welcome the submission of manuscripts that address the conference theme as well as all functional areas of business administration and entrepreneurship. 

Conference Sections Descrition:

Section 1: Economy in Digital Transformation
We encourage submitting papers based on current questions and challenges of economy in digital transformation. As an umbrella term, “Economy in Digital Transformation” uses digital transformation to change the meanings unrelated to economics and business in the strict sense but to developments and changes as these days, for example, in government and society, regulations and economic conditions on the challenges are so-called unintentional newcomers. We welcome papers focusing on the topic of digital transformation with regard to the contemporary economy.

Section 2: Management in Digital Transformation
We encourage submitting papers focused on currents issues and manners of facing new threats and opportunities related to digital economy challenges in the area of management. In recent years, enterprises have been forced to respond to digital transformations. The significant role of management in these changes consists in designing new concepts and strategies how to deliver value to customers. Enterprises have to establish new management activities to govern these entire transformations associated with the integration of digital technologies into all areas of business.

Section 3: Finance in Digital Transformation
We encourage submitting papers focused on currents issues and manners of facing new threats and opportunities related to digital economy challenges in the area of finance, accounting, law and taxation. The non-exhaustive list includes the topics as follows:
– States and their preparedness for digital economy;
– Finance and financial management – new challenges and trends within the era of digital economy;
– Digital economy as a challenge for the law;
– Accounting and taxes/taxation from the perspective of digital economy: assessment of the current state of affaires, comparative studies, de lege ferenda drafts, etc.

Section 4: Systems in Digital Transformation
We encourage submitting papers focused on digitisation process and associated with the areas of information systems, ICT, mathematical and statistical methods used in the process of digital transformation, big data and data analysis, data science, and related areas such as security, management and optimisation. We welcome papers intended to demonstrate your practical cases and applications of methods usable in the process. The main focus is on big data analyses, data science and security as a vital part of digital transformations. We would like to cover the following themes for digital transformation (DT):
– Big data analysis and business applications;
– Data science for DT;
– Methods and models usable for DT;
– Security and its impact, management and development for DT;
– How to educate people for DT in the context of (big) data analysis and security.

Section 5: Universities in Digital Transformation.
We encourage submitting papers based on experience of the opportunities and threats associated with the digitisation of higher education services. We welcome papers intended to demonstrate your practical cases and tools with change scenarios, the benefits and risks of digitisation options, or interconnectedness of procedures and platform solutions. We would like to cover the following themes:
– Student administration and services in higher education via a digital platform;
– Digital solutions for higher education services;
– Examples of smart services;
– Internationalisation and digitisation scenarios for higher education;
– Opportunities and threats of digitisation of higher education.

Section 6: Master’s Degree Students’ Section
We encourage submitting papers focused on currents issues and manners of facing new opportunities and challenges related to digital transformation of business and entrepreneurship or the digitisation phenomenon as general, in company management and economics. Students may submit papers intended as part of the analysis of their diploma theses or other research projects associated to this issue and other related areas.s

Participation opportunities

  • participation with publication in Conference Proceeding of Selected papers: apply with paper (6-10 pages), get the feedback of  experienced reviewers, participate in the conference, publish online and apply to ISI Web of Science

  • participation without publication in Conference Proceeding: apply with short abstract (up to 1 page), get the feedback of experienced reviewers, participate in the conference, publish extended paper in conference partners journals

  • participation of master students: apply with structured abstract/paper, get the feedback of experienced reviewers, participate in the conference by presentation (or online presentation) Students may register for the conference through their abstract/papers which should contain: The description of the issue, research objective, research of the relevant expert sources, applied research methods, and the results and the assessment of the solution outputs associated with the impact onto business and entrepreneurship development in the digital era. The students may take part in the conference either in person or by means of an online presentation of the papers dealing with current issues of the impact of digitisation on business and entrepreneurship development from the national and international perspective. The papers are to be presented in the student section and the best paper will win the Dean’s Award of the Faculty of Business and Management.

Abstract or Paper Submission and Requirements 

Apply with an abstract (1 page) by February 28, 2019
Abstract will be reviewed. Abstracts must be submitted by the main author (first author listed on the title page of the abstract). A structured abstract must specify the objective of the paper, employed research methodology, discussion, conclusions, keywords, JEL Codes. Abstract structure requirements: purpose, methodology/methods, scientific aim, findings, discussion, conclusions. Abstracts of not less than 250-300 words must be submitted. Abstracts will be reviewed. Template of the abstract (see on the conference website)

Submit the paper (6-10 pages) by February 28, 2019
Papers will be reviewed. Papers must be submitted by the main author (first author listed on the title page of the paper). Paper must also involve structured abstract (not less than 250-300 words). It is necessary to use relevant references, especially articles and texts from Web of Science databases. All submissions will be checked for potential plagiarism. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Template of the paper (see on the conference website)

Submit the abstract/paper to master students section by February 28, 2019
Abstracts and papers of student’s work have same conditions as mentioned above. Templates of the abstract and papers are available on the conference website.

Publication Opportunities:
Reviewed papers presented at the conference will be published in the Proceeding of Selected papers. Authors of the best abstracts and papers will have opportunity to publish their extended papers in following journals:

On the basis of agreed cooperation with editors of the scientific journals will be of qualitative contributions offered the opportunity to publish their papers in journals indexed in reputable databases:

Trends Economics and Management (Czech Republic)

Business: Theory and Practice (Lithuania) http://www.btp.vgtu.lt/index.php/btp/index

Journal of Business Economics and Management (Lithuania)


Economics and Business (Latvia) https://ortus.rtu.lv/science/en/series/3

Engineering Economics (Lithuania) http://www.inzeko.ktu.lt/index.php/EE

Business, Management and Education (Lithuania) http://www.bme.vgtu.lt/index.php/bme

Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy (Poland) http://www.equilibrium.umk.pl/

Oeconomia Copernicana (Poland) http://oeconomia.pl/

Conference Fees
Conference participation fee – EUR 75 – expenses related to organizational and publishing activities, Reception and Social program.
Conference participation fee for co-author – EUR 35 – expenses related to organizational and publishing activities, Reception and Social program.
Conference participation fee for Master students – EUR 35
Fee paid by accompanying persons – EUR 35 – expenses related to Reception and Social program.

Please note the important Deadlines:
Registration – by February 28, 2019
Abstract or Paper submission – by February 28, 2019
Notification of abstract/paper acceptance – by March 15, 2019
Abstract/Paper submission of master students – by February 28, 2019
Notification of abstract/paper acceptance of master students – by March 15, 2019
Payment of the participation fee – by March 30, 2019
Announcement of an in-depth conference program – by April 22, 2019

Meeting at the conference – April 30, 2019